It has been about 20 months already. I wasn't comfortable opening up with what happened to me to some people. I didn't even write about it before. I had shared my testimonial about my other health problem (I had others that I would also share soon). But I guess it's now time to share about this one.
It was December. If other people was eating sumptuous feast, I was eating healthy at that month. I even loss some weight during those months. I was feeling great and healthy. Until one day, I felt numbness on one side of my fingers. The next day, my hand felt numbness too. I forgot what side, but after a few days, there's numbness on my feet and legs too. I am so forgetful I can't remember what side!
The numbness would last for just a minute or two then everything would be back to normal. I was thinking what's wrong because everything seems okay. I know it's a sign of stroke but I didn't care enough. I was thinking, maybe I need to eat more healthy food, or drink more water. Or I lack exercise.
Then that day came. I felt numbness on my tongue and cheeks! Now that's different. I do not know what to do. I know I need to see a doctor.
Then that time came...
(Day 1) From the day I felt numbness on my fingers, after about a week, that night, I was dizzy. My vision was kind of blurry. At that time, I was thinking, my dizziness might have cause my blurry vision. I was having a hard time breathing. My chest felt a little tight. My heart was pounding fast! It felt like, "something" was coming up. I can't explain what that "something" was. I also felt that my head was "reddish". I didn't see myself but it felt like it. I could feel that when that "something" strikes, I will just pass out and I do not know what might happen next.
I had my Vicks Inhaler with me. The inhaler had saved me before from some times when my vision was turning (just like having a 360 degrees vision, just like on the movies) and felt like I will pass out. So I was hoping that the inhaler would again save me that night. Maybe it gave some comfort but everything was still the same.
I had an open bottle of Eximius Oil. So I took it. I just lie down. I felt so weak, having a hard time breathing and all.
(Day 2) I called hospitals asking for schedules of doctors. That was December 23. A lot of them are having their holiday outside the Philippines. Then all others that I had called were just available because it's the holiday season. The information on the hospitals told me that the doctors would be available on January 3.
(Day 3) I was doing a little better, like I was recovering. I was still weak but it felt like I would just be okay. I was so happy. I was scared but kept my cool during those days. The next day, that night, my nape suddenly felt tight. I was like, "now what?!?" I was getting better and now this.
I already took my Eximius Oil that night, and that's the last drops on that bottle. I just decided to take more. I just opened and took Salutem Oil instead because it's stronger. I went to sleep to take a rest.
I just continued taking Salutem Oil. On 2nd week of January, I just suddenly realized that I had already recovered. I was still a little weak, but I am getting there. I know Eximius Oil, and especially Salutem Oil had saved me that time. On 1st week of February, I was back to normal. I am able to do all the things I do before without getting tired easily.
I do not know what was my exact problem was. Was it going to be a stroke, or a mini stroke (which is too scary too)? Or high blood pressure? Or high triglycerides? I really do not have any idea. But all of what happened to me, what I felt, seems like a serious health issue.

I know not rushing to the hospital emergency room is a very bad idea. But sometimes, we mothers and some other people does have this thinking of trying to save ourselves as much as possible so that we can take care or look after our kids, or so that we would not be a burden to others. I do not recommend people to do what I did. I always try to save myself with whatever supplement I have inside our home. But I do recommend that people try Eximius Oil or Salutem Oil for whatever health problem they have, because just like a lot of our buyers, they didn't expect that these supplements will literally save their lives. And I am one of them.
I do have buyers (or other people they know) who were able to take the leftovers of their Eximius Oil or Salutem Oil for a different health issue. Keeping a bottle is worth it!
I am very lucky that Eximius Oil and Salutem Oil always help me and, at that time, save me. I am very proud that I am one of the distributors of these amazing health supplements.
*No Approved therapeutic claim.

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